The Audiology Committee has contributed to the IALP book publication Addressing Communication Disorders in Unserved and Underserved Populations, authored by members of the Association, celebrating 100 years of the IALP by presenting ideas to assist all those who work with children and adults who have difficulty in communicating or swallowing in order to improve services for unserved and underserved communities.
It offers strategies to address disorders and conditions that affect many areas of everyday life and which are exacerbated by lack of adequate health, education and social services.
Please find the free book chapter for download here:
Managing Hearing Loss through the Lifespan
The Audiology Committee of the IALP are proud to share with you the November 2024 newsletter:
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The biosketch for this committee member is not yet available.
The biosketch for this committee member is not yet available.
The biosketch for this committee member is not yet available.
The biosketch for this committee member is not yet available.
The biosketch for this committee member is not yet available.
The biosketch for this committee member is not yet available.
The biosketch for this committee member is not yet available.
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An individual enrolled for part- or full-time study for preregistration, undergraduate or postgraduate studies directly related to the field of human communication disorders and sciences at a formal education institution. Students must provide official evidence of enrolment at the time of joining the Association and/or registering for a congress/composium.
On behalf of the IALP I would like to thank you for considering membership in our global organisation of professionals.