Celebrating IALP Centennial

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    Event Date

    June 27, 2024

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    Event Location

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Celebrating the IALP Centennial in Vienna

President Dr. Brian Shulman, Past President Prof. Pamela Enderby, Vice-President Prof. Scharff Rethfeldt and CEO Vanessa Ebejer  are inviting you to a special event between 27 and 29 June, 2024.

IALP will host a Centennial Composium in Vienna, Austria, which is the cradle of logopedics and phoniatrics and the venue where IALP was founded.

To celebrate its 100th Anniversary (1924-2024), the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP) is delighted to announce its forthcoming Composium entitled Contemporary Perspectives in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

You can download the flyer of the scientific programme here.

We look forward to celebrating this special anniversary with you!


Affiliated Society Membership

There are 3 types of membership of Affiliate Society, depending on the profile of the organization. Category A Society Membership: National organizations in communication sciences and disorders having individual members among their membership. Examples of this category are The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA ), Speech Pathology Australia (SPA)and The Egyptian Society for Phoniatrics and Logopedics. (ESPL) Category B Society Membership: Multinational, regional, or local organizations in communication sciences and disorders having individual members among their membership. Category C Society Membership: Multinational, national, regional, or local organizations in communication sciences and disorders comprised of Societies as their membership. When your National Society/Association wishes to join the IALP as an Affiliated Society, please fill in and send the Application Form for IALP Affiliated Membership below.

Please fill in and send the Application Form for IALP Affiliated Membership below:

We also need to receive (in English) your:

1. Mission Statement

2. By-Laws/Constitution and/or Regulations

Upload your file.

Accepted file types: zip, rar, arj, Max. file size: 128 MB.

Student Membership

An individual enrolled for part- or full-time study for preregistration, undergraduate or postgraduate studies directly related to the field of human communication disorders and sciences at a formal education institution. Students must provide official evidence of enrolment at the time of joining the Association and/or registering for a congress/composium.

Individual Membership

On behalf of the IALP I would like to thank you for considering membership in our global organisation of professionals.